Hip Flexors

The hip flexor muscle plays a vital role in hip flexion, which involves bringing the knee closer to the chest. It is most active during a high, forward kick that raises the leg above waist level. These muscles are engaged with every step you take, making them essential for proper movement.Maintaining a balanced posture and keeping the posterior pelvic muscles in equilibrium is crucial, and the hip flexors play a part in achieving this balance.Strengthening the hip flexors can be achieved by building a strong core, which, in conjunction with maintaining good posture, contributes to their overall strength.Stretching the hip flexor muscles is equally important, as it helps increase their length, enhances flexibility, and reduces the risk of injury. Incorporating regular stretching exercises can be beneficial for overall hip health and mobility

Prolonged sitting or sedentary lifestyles can lead to the shortening and tightening of the hip muscles. This issue is prevalent among individuals who spend many hours each day sitting at a desk or as in the case of bus drivers. Shortened muscles may not generate as much power as lengthened muscles, which can result in functional problems like anterior pelvic tilt and lumbar hyperlordosis. Apart from excessive sitting, poor posture and general overuse can also contribute to pain and discomfort in the hip flexors. Additionally, in some cases, arthritis may be a contributing factor to hip flexor pain.To address these issues and maintain hip health, it is essential to incorporate regular physical activity, stretching exercises, and pay attention to maintaining good posture throughout the day. Taking breaks from sitting, incorporating standing or walking activities, and performing targeted hip flexor stretches can be beneficial in preventing or alleviating pain and discomfort in this area.

What are hip flexor strain symptoms? Symptoms of a hip flexor strain include:

  • Pain.
  • A feeling of tightness or pulling in your hip.
  • Trouble walking or moving without limping.
  • Weakness in your lower abdomen or hip.
  • Bruising or discoloration.
  • Swelling.
  • Muscle spasms.

How can i prevent hip flexor strains?
That’s a great analogy! Just like certain fabrics become more flexible and comfortable over time, our muscles also adapt and become more flexible with regular exercise and stretching. For example, your favorite pair of jeans that you’ve worn for years has developed more give because you’ve stretched it out through use. Similarly, when you work out your muscles and gradually stretch them, they become more flexible and pliable, allowing for better movement and reduced risk of injuries. Consistent exercise and stretching routines can help improve the flexibility and range of motion of our muscles, making everyday movements easier and more comfortable.

Hip Flexors are one of the most “Over Looked” Diagnosis. Make an Appointment today with Dr. Wendy Brackeen, to get looked at. Dr. Wendy Brackeen, has over 20 years of experience in Athletic Training, and Chiropractic. Dr. Wendy Brackeen will show you how to properly Stretch out a Hip Flexor. Call the office today for an Appointment.

Phone: 503.640.2800

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