
Why is chiropractic care important to you?

chiropractic professional studying

Chiropractic is a safe and effective way to help with back pain, neck pain, and much more. There are a variety of ways that a chiropractor can use to get the joints moving properly. Many prefer to be adjusted using the Diversified method. With this method, the patient typically feels and hears popping. However, some other patients prefer to be adjusted in other ways, like using a drop table. In this treatment the patient lies face down and the table piece pops up about an inch. The chiropractic doctor then pushes through the patients back quickly and the table piece drops. The patient will typically not feel popping but sometimes they do. The doctor and patient will work together to decide which treatment will be right for them. Click here to schedule your appointment.

What is the popping noise that is often associated with chiropractic care?

The popping is a release of pressure in the joints. Research has found that gas bubbles form in the joint causing pressure. The louder the pop, the larger the gas bubbles. As we age, the bubbles tend to be smaller. This accounts for the quieter popping in older people and explains why people who used to hear loud popping, tend to say it gets quieter over time. Popping does not equal a good adjustment. Some people do not pop at all but their joints gained the movement.

Does chiropractic care hurt?

Most of the time adjustments are not painful. Sometimes, however, adjustments can be uncomfortable because the tissue around the area is really sensitive and inflamed. If an adjustment is uncomfortable, the pain typically subsides very quickly.

What does a chiropractor treat?

Did you know that chiropractors are primary care physicians? Chiropractors have extensive training just as an MD and can treat a vast array of problems in all ages.

If you have any further questions or concerns regarding chiropractic care, please make an appointment with one of chiropractors and they would be happy to have a consultation with you. Be sure to follow us on Facebook to stay up to date on our business.